Bingli is making life easier for doctors, using a chatbot that gathers information from the patient prior the doctor's consultation.

© Tom van de Putte en Piet Van de Steen

Urgency determination tool [multilingual - including chatbot] for potential COVID-19 patients

Bingli wanted to combat overcrowded doctors' offices and hospitals. The company developed a science-based Covid-19 triage module that made it possible to determine whether a patient needed to be seen by a doctor. The aim was to help doctors identify those who needed more medical attention. This online module improved the triage significantly.

Bingli developed an AI-based smart medical interview. With a few simple questions, a chatbot determines whether the patient needs to see a doctor or not. The patient can restart this conversation each time he feels the symptoms are changing, in order to reassess his situation. The chatbot's multilingualism is highly relevant within the Antwerp context and also appeals to vulnerable target groups. 

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