© Johan Jacobs (second left)

Large-scale production of recombinant proteins and growth factors for cultured meat

Flyblast, a start-up based at BlueChem, works on the biggest bottleneck in cultivating cultured meat that is the very high cost of the growth medium, due to the high cost of recombinant proteins and growth factors. With the funding from the city, this start-up plans to build a pilot plant to sustainably cultivate FlyBlast-BSF on organic waste. BSF stands for Black Soldier Fly (or "black weapon fly", Hermetia illucens), a harmless tropical fly species, used worldwide to cheaply convert waste streams into animal feed and pet food on a large scale. Flyblast is developing a technological platform to henceforth produce the very high-quality recombinant proteins and growth factors needed for the commercial breakthrough of cultured meat.

Website Flyblast

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