Submit your innovation and get EUR 20.000 support for development of your fashion or design product

You want to develop an innovative project in Antwerp's fashion or design sector. You are active in fashion, jewellery or accessories. Or you are a creative person working in the field of design.
You already have a tight strategic plan to launch a new product. But you lack the budget to launch this project right now? Be sure to submit your project proposal. The city will once again be selecting innovations in fashion/design to receive support of up to EUR 20.000.
Develop your innovative fashion or design product and sell it in Antwerp's hotspots
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  • Submit your innovation and get EUR 20.000 support for development of your fashion or design product

Who can submit a project

You run an SME and can show that you have regular activities in the city of Antwerp (city and district). This means that you are based in the city, that you are setting up your business in Antwerp or that several of your customers are based in Antwerp.

What projects can be supported

You want to launch an innovative product. The innovation can be the use of new materials, a breakthrough in digitalisation or the sustainability of a product, but also an artistic and creative renewal of the product or process.

The innovative product should preferably be sold in Antwerp; in the MoMu shop, during a design event such as Antwerp Design Week, during the Jewelry Days or in the Antwerp City Shop at Het Steen.

Projects will receive extra attention if they are realised in collaboration with another company or in a cross-industry collaboration.

  • Your project accelerates the growth or internationalisation of your company,
  • Your project contributes to the expansion of the Antwerp fashion or design ecosystem,
  • You have not yet started the development of the product,
  • Your project has a total cost of at least EUR 25.000,
  • You are responsible for the marketing/commercialisation of the product,
  • Your product will be ready for use - or you have successfully tested a prototype - within 4 months of the approval of the support. If the production is complex, an extension with a maximum of 4 months for completion can be requested before 1 April 2025,
  • You have not received any financial support from the city in the last 18 months, except for grants of up to EUR 2.500.

What costs can be submitted?

  • You will mainly submit direct costs, i.e. costs that can be directly attributed to the construction, testing and implementation of the product,
  • To a lesser extent, indirect costs may be incurred, e.g. for communication and promotion.

Eligibility criteria

Your application for support meets the criteria. These are detailed in the regulations hereunder and mainly concern

  • the extent to which the financial support will stimulate the project,
  • the quality of the business case and the plan of action,
  • the impact of the project on the city of Antwerp,
  • the innovative nature of the project,
  • the expertise available to carry out the project,
  • the extent to which the project will remain profitable after the financial support from the city.

Financial support per project

The maximum grant per project is EUR 20.000. You must contribute at least 25% of the total cost; more own contribution is an advantage.

Here you can find all the information about this call for innovation. Also about selling the products at Antwerp locations.

Timing selection of projects

  • This call opens on 1 October 2024.
  • You submit your project digitally by 12 noon on 2 December 2024.
  • A jury will evaluate the submitted projects on 12 December 2024.
  • If your innovation is selected, you will pitch your project on 19 December 2024. The jury will produce a report which will form the basis of the decision by the College of Mayors and Aldermen to award financial support to each project.
  • The selected projects will be announced on 24 January 2025.

Interested and already some questions?

Do not hesitate to contact our account managers

Register for a 1-on-1 consultation at De Winkelhaak

You are welcome to attend the APBCO-WORK on 7 November 2024, from 9 am to 3 pm. You will be able to ask live questions about your project and your submission to this call for innovation.

Subscribe to 1-on-1 advice - Thursday 7/11 at De Winkelhaak


City of Antwerp supports innovative entrepreneurs

The City of Antwerp has already called 9 times on entrepreneurs in Antwerp to submit innovative projects in the fields of digital, circular economy or health, as well as fashion, design and diamonds. A total of 63 entrepreneurs have already received financial support to accelerate their innovation.

Projects that have received financial support from the city of Antwerp